2017 (36th anniversary)
• Theme of the event: ‘We are Trailwalkers’: Tackling the challenges we face in out poverty alleviation work is just like meeting the difficulties that arise along the 100 km trail. Although many might feel that finishing the 100 km trail in 48 hours is impossible, with perseverance and team spirit, it can be done! Just as our theme suggests, regardless of your age, what kind of occupation or physical constraint you are in , you can all be Trailwalkers. • The Oxfam Trailwalker Kick-off Ceremony was officiated by Bernard Chan, Chair, Oxfam Trailwalker Advisory Committee; Trini Leung, Director General, Oxfam Hong Kong and Peter Crew, Chief Executive Officer of AIA Hong Kong and Macau, principal sponsor of Oxfam Trailwalker. • The finishing time for the first three teams: • -- 8003 “AWOO Team Nepal” team: 12 hours 1 minute. • -- 8016 “美女與猛獸s - Beauty and the Beasts” team: 12 hours 51 minutes. (record-breaking) • -- 8026 “Hong Kong Sports Clinic x Salomon” team: 13 hours 26 minutes. • The last team completed the event in 47 hours 58 minutes. • 4,308 participants, 87% of all walkers, completed the 100km trail within 48 hours. • The event raised over HK$34 million in total. • Winner of the ‘AIA Vitality Dare to Challenge Award 2017’: Team 1028 – On Call 32. In 2017, Oxfam Trailwalker was held in 17 cities in 10 countries in Australia (Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney), Belgium, China (Hong Kong), England, France (Parc du Morvan, Vacheresse), India (Bengaluru, Mumbai), Japan, Korea, New Zealand and Spain (Euskadi, Girona, Madrid).