Donation Information
Sponsorship Amount
Donation Methods
Donation receipts and submission of sponsorship
Fundraising Team Page

Donation Information

※ To know more detail or donation support Oxfam Trailwalker and Oxfam Hong Kong’s Poverty Alleviation Work, please visit Oxfam Hong Kong Website.
※ To support the walkers, please visit their Team Page at Oxfam Trailwalker Home Page for sponsorship.

More fund You raise, more people in poor communities You can help!

Sponsorship Amount

1. Thank you for supporting Oxfam Trailwalker. All teams (including those which withdraw without written notice / are absent / withdraw after 15 Oct and on the day of the event) must raise a minimum of HK$8,000 in sponsorship, except for Invited team and Pledge team, which must raise a minimum of HK$38,000 and HK$72,000 respectively. The Organiser reserves the right not to accept applications for future Oxfam Trailwalker events from any member of a team who failed to raise the specified minimum sponsorship.


2. In order to encourage participants to actively raise funds, teams that have raised HK$38,000 or more can have priority in registering for Oxfam Trailwalker 2025 as Special Teams. Teams or organsisations that raise over HK$72,000 will be acknowledged in the Oxfam Trailwalker 2024 Thank You Advertisement, which will be published in newspapers. Teams that raise over HK$100,000 will each receive an “Oxfam Trailwalker Outstanding Fundraiser Award”.


3. All money raised from Oxfam Trailwalker must be donated in full to Oxfam. You should not use your participation in Oxfam Trailwalker to raise funds for other organisations.


4. The fundraising amount of each team will be uploaded onto the Oxfam Trailwalker website and Trailwalker Team Page ( from early August and will be updated regularly.


5. Donations will NOT be refunded should the event be cancelled due to bad weather or under any other circumstances beyond the control of Oxfam Hong Kong.


Donation Methods

For accurate receipting, please be reminded that:

1. Sponsorship money should be collected immediately after the event and be donated to Oxfam Hong Kong (click here for contact method) by 17 December 2024 (according to the postmark).

2. Each team has a Fundraising Team Page on the Oxfam Trailwalker website: Your family and friends can donate online and leave encouraging messages to your team. It is easier for your sponsors to make donation and greatly reduces our administration costs. Your sponsor can also choose to print out a tax-deductible receipt* by themselves. So there is no need to record donations on sponsorship forms and send them back!

3. * For Hong Kong tax payers only.
You can also pay the sponsorship donation into Oxfam Hong Kong’s account as below:

Ways Bank of China A/C no. Hang Seng Bank A/C no.
Deposit at a bank (Please inform the teller of your team number) 012-874-0-013039-1 284-401080-010
Through ATM or E-Banking * 012-874-0-013039-1 284-401080-010

* Please write your team number and leader’s name on the original copy of the deposit slip or in the remarks section when making the transfer online and submit it to Oxfam Hong Kong. Please write “Oxfam Trailwalker 2024” and your team number on the envelope.

4. Cheques should be made payable to “Oxfam Hong Kong”. Please write down “Oxfam Trailwalker 2024”, your team number and your English full name on the back of all cheques. Cash will not be accepted. Oxfam Hong Kong Office: 17/F, China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, Hong Kong

Download: Sponsorship form

Donation receipts and submission of sponsorship

  1. Please detach the original blue and pink copies of each sponsorship form and send them to Oxfam together with the original deposit slips, cheques, or the printed copies of the online transfer Acknowledgement Note. Keep the yellow copy for your own reference.
  2. Make sure that you fill in the correct team number on the sponsorship forms. Incorrect numbers printed on the sponsorship form may result in sponsorship going to the wrong team.
  3. Please provide the names of your sponsors for tax deduction purposes and submit the sponsorship by 17 December 2024. Please hand in donations before the deadline; otherwise your sponsors may not be able to process tax deductions for the current financial year.
  4. Please contact Oxfam or download additional sponsorship forms from the Oxfam Trailwalker website if needed.
  5. You should notify Oxfam immediately if you decide to share your sponsorship with another team (especially corporate teams). Please clearly indicate the details, team number, and amount involved on the sponsorship form.
  6. You MUST keep the yellow copy of your sponsorship form and photocopies of your deposit slips, online transfer Acknowledgement Note, cheques, or other documents (such as bank statements) as a record of your donations being transferred to Oxfam Hong Kong’s account. Do NOT destroy them until you have received all receipts.
  7. To reduce administrative costs, receipts for tax deductions will only be issued for donations of HK$100 or above. Receipts will be sent to the team leader or each team member 10 weeks after donations and forms have been received by Oxfam. Please contact Oxfam if your mailing address is different from the information provided during the registration period. For company / organisation teams with a corporate coordinator as your contact person, receipts will be sent to the corporate coordinator.

Fundraising Team Page

Each team has a Fundraising Team Page on the Oxfam Trailwalker website, where your sponsors can donate on-line and leave messages to your team. On-line donation not only saves you time from sending in forms and making bank deposits, the simple procedure also reduces Oxfam’s administration work. For the convenience of donors, receipts for tax deduction* can also be issued on-line.

* Receipts issued by Oxfam Hong Kong are only applicable to Hong Kong taxpayers. For enquiries, please contact us by sending an email to