Q & A
Event Days
Is there an individual category in Oxfam Trailwalker?
No, Oxfam Trailwalker is a team event. Participants must form teams of four to complete the 100km MacLehose Trail in 48 hours. It is hoped that participants, by helping each other throughout the event, better understand our need to take care of and depend on each other. There is a striking parallel between the situation of participants and the struggle of those for whom they are raising much-needed funds. You will see the need for the strong to take care of the weak, knowing that, at different times, you will be either a stronger or a weaker member of the group. We hope that you experience the truth of the saying, 'The whole is much better than the sum of its parts'.
Does Oxfam Trailwalker have an age limit?
Yes, participants in Oxfam Trailwalker must be aged 18 or above. According to our records, the eldest participant was aged 75.
Can the event move to Saturday, Sunday and Monday, so that some teams who can finish in 20 hours do not need to apply for leave on Friday?
It is a good idea, but considering the inconvenience caused to the public, it is better that we maintain the status quo. Our starting point is at Pak Tam Chung, Sai Kung which is a very popular place for family outings. If we move the event to Saturday, it will aggravate the traffic congestion and parking problems, and it will not be easy for us to enlist the police's support to close the road four times for our starts.
Do we sleep during the event?
Some teams do and some do not. You design your own strategy on this matter - for example, some teams carry sour candies to eat on the way
What should we wear?
Non-chafing training clothes. Make sure they are light and comfortable. Be prepared for the cold, particularly at night.
Are trainers or hiking boots better for this event?
It is up to you. Experienced participants are divided on this point, so the best thing to do is get training on the trail and find out what is best for you. Some also prefer to have spare shoes so they can switch back and forth during the event, perhaps wearing boots on the rougher sections of the trail and trainers on the road sections. Bear in mind: Don't wear brand new trainers/hiking shoes for the event.
Does my team have to stick together over the entire length of the trail?
All teams must arrive together at each CP and complete the registration procedure on or before the CP closing time in order to proceed.
How does my donation help?
Thank you for supporting Oxfam Hong Kong. Since the operating costs of the event can be covered by the income from the application fees and registration fees, as well as the generous donations from sponsors, all funds raised will go to Oxfam and helping poor people get out of poverty. Since 1986, Oxfam Trailwalker has raised more than HK$600 million to help disadvantaged people in Hong Kong and to support development projects and emergency relief programmes in Asia and Africa. However, there are still millions of people living in poverty, and they really need your support.